Who knew that a little paint, a stencil, and a lot of elbow grease could change the lives of so many people? Greg Contopulos, had a vision in 1993 to help fight hunger in southern California by offering a valuable service to cities and their residents.
Greg’s plan was to paint curb numbers in return for tax-deductible donations that could be used to help feed hungry kids and their families. Since then, his idea has exploded from one person painting curbs in one city to a crew of volunteers and workers that have painted over 1,350,000 curbs in 55 cities.
Their attention to detail and the quality of their work has allowed them to expand into dozens of associations and private communities as well. In every case the curbs are painted with the best quality, highway approved materials and include reflective beads that assure night time visibility.
In all cases, Canning Hunger provides this service at no cost to residents or the cities in exchange for the opportunity to receive a voluntary donation to help in the fight against hunger. Since 1993, the generosity of those that have made contributions has enabled Canning Hunger to provide millions of meals to local families in southern California.
To get your city, community, or association involved in this worthwhile opportunity, contact Greg Contopulos at 1-888-35-4-FOOD (3663)